MillWatcher is software for monitoring wind turbines. It is an online program, which means that you can login from everywhere. You can use MillWatcher on your computer, tablet or smart phone, whereever and whenever, the only thing it requires is that you have internet access. Monitor your wind turbine and keep track of your wind turbine’s production levels, find out if the wind turbine is running or reports errors etc.

Kalenda is a tool for day cares or companies, who use time on internal planning. With this tool you will make more time for important work. Kalenda will make your planning easier, and will give you a clear overview of week activities, and periods where you need to cover a shift with a temporary worker etc. You will not need loose papers, and you do not have to contact several workers manually. With Kalenda you can plan everything.

EnergyMaster is software to monitor your energy consumption. It is online to make sure, that you always know if everything is okay. For example you can discover leaks or just get an overview of your energy consumption. Find places to change your habbits and save money on your energy bills. EnergyMaster can be used by private consumers as well as companies, who wish to know what and how much they spend on there energy consumption!

“Vindmøllenet” is a website for wind turbine cooperatives. Vindmøllenet is a portal where cooperatives can get a website. The board will not have trouble with the technical sides of the websites, Greenbyte will handle that, and will also gather daily data from the wind turbine and put in on the website. All shareholders can follow the daily production of the wind turbine and receive news from the board of the cooperative.

MillWatcher Administration is relevant to wind turbine cooperatives and owners. It is a package solution which includes for example accounting, distribution and member database etc. You can choose which elements of your administration you want to outsource to us, and thus save time and trouble with administrative matters for the wind turbine.

Roberta is a software tool, which can be used by companies and consultants for training courses. With Roberta, the company’s employees and leaders can strengthen their compentences and skills. With help from weekly, minor tasks sent directly to the employees you will keep your company continuously focused on developing the competences.

Greenbyte offers consultancy work for both big and small companies, who need help with software updating or programming. If your company is in need of a new software system, database etc. we serve as an experienced and professional partner whose focus in on making solid IT solutions for your company and employees.